This is our HISTORICAL online training space, now superseded with our edu.youthwellbeingproject.info platform.
Here's the options we have available:
- Online Professional Training - Simplify the tricky topic of porn for educators, wellbeing staff and parents by accessing specialist training here.
- Closed Facebook Group - This space provides ongoing discussions with other like-minded professionals within a CLOSED Facebook group. This group enables learners to connect, discuss sexuality content, debate concepts, share ideas and encourage one another. NOTE: Approval to join requires mandatory responses to a few simple questions - click here to submit your answers.
- NEW IQ PROGRAMS - authoring their future. IQ PROGRAMS equip educators for the task of supporting kids and teens to author their future. Meeting child-safety, developmental and wellbeing needs, teachers receive guided narratives and comprehensive tools to help them deliver tricky conversations confidently. Learn more on the IQ PROGRAMS website.
- Superseded IQ PROGRAMS
Specifically for organisations who have historically purchased Youth Wellbeing Project IQ PROGRAMS, access via this webpage includes tailored resources for:
- BODY IQ Level 1 (Years 1/2)
- BODY IQ Level 3 (Years 5/6)
- RELATIONSHIP IQ Level 4 (Years 7/8)
- RELATIONSHIP IQ Level 5 (Years 9/10)
- #SexEdOnline Youth Sexual Health Essential Content Guide
This space covers everything from accessing a local GP, helping young people get a Medicare card, linking with a local STI clinic, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Pregnancy, Sexual Diversity, abuse, respect, consent, pornography, sexualisation and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Accessible for those who have purchased the superseded IQ PROGRAMS - planned for re-release in the future.
To learn more, we invite you to visit the NEW IQ PROGRAMS and for parent support, visit PORN RESILIENT KIDS - equipping families for tricky conversations.